Archives de mot-clé : Education

My German Experience

The first I really discovered what German was, I was maybe 12-13 years old, I found my dad’s old French/German dictionary. Wanting to learn more about German, I started to learn German, but it ended up nowhere because I didn’t need to learn German so I didn’t have enough will. Nevertheless, in September I’m going to college and I will be doing a German course, but because I don’t think learning a language at school is very effective and I really want to learn German, I will work a lot on my own, to basically teach myself German, just like I did with English (I don’t want to brag, but I think it worked out pretty well). I will try to write my progress as much as I can on this blog as suggested by Benny lewis in his book  Language Hacking Guide. So there you go, I hope you will follow me in this awesome adventure! I need you!


Always feel free to correct my mistakes, I’m here to learn!

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